Multivitamins: Do young children need them?
As a parent, watching what kids eat all the time and wondering if they’re getting enough nutrition can be stressful. Especially when you opt for multivitamins like a little ‘insurance policy’. Ideally for a preschooler, foods are the best source of nutrients. But, in reality, with the highly occupied parents, well-rounded home-cooked meals are nearly always possible to be given to the child. Then comes a decision to make- Is turning to nutrition supplements for your little picky eaters a good idea?
Experts agree with the evidence that if your child eats healthy and in a well-balanced diet, he/she doesn’t need to take the nutrition supplements. Let’s take a look into what a well-balanced diet is-
- Whole Grains: Oats & Brown Rice
- Milk & Dairy Products: Cheese, Yogurt etc..,
- Protein: Chicken, Fish, Meat & Eggs
- Fresh Fruits and Leafy, Green Vegetables
So, why do pediatricians recommend nutrition supplements? Read below to find if your child falls into one of the categories-
- Picky, finicky eaters who are not eating enough.
- Kids who excessively consume carbonated sodas which lead to leaching minerals and vitamins from their bodies.
- Kids who are on a vegan/vegetarian diet might need an iron supplement and dairy-free diet kids a calcium supplement.
- Kids with chronic medical conditions like asthma or digestive problems who are especially on medication.
- Kids who don’t eat regular well-balanced meals made from whole fresh foods.
With that being said, it’s difficult for kids to get enough supplements to boost immune system through sun exposure and diet. Even if they are drinking or eating fortified foods of natural sources of Vitamin D, it’s still tough to get enough Vitamin D.
Then there are Megavitamins, the large doses of vitamins that are strictly a big no and are a bad idea for children. Vitamins A, D, E & K called which are the fat-soluble vitamins can be very toxic if kids consume too much of them. Same goes with iron. Your kids can get too much of a good thing risking health.
Investing early in your kid’s childhood and their early nutrition is a surefire strategy. The returns are incredibly high in the long run being responsible for a healthy life so, If your kid’s paediatrician recommends a multivitamin strongly, just choose one that’s designed according to your kid’s age group which doesn’t provide more than 100% of daily value of minerals and vitamins. In addition, keep these daily supplements out of your child’s sight and reach though you give them as candy.